For sale. Garmin GPS Map 66i. New. Hand held electronic device for hiking, camping, backpacking, hunting, fishing or any outdoor activity. Combines color screen with map of current location; or any other location to which you can navigate; GPS function that shows your current location; trip planning and route finding; tracking route taken; sending and receiving texts to any reciptient without use of cell phone towers when truly in the wilderness; can be Blue Tooth linked to your cell phone to access your Contacts; weather reports; send SOS rescue request signal to emergency responders; and other functions all obtained from satellites. Go to and search for Garmin GPSMap 66i for more detailed pictures and descriptions. Go to the Internet and do a Google search for Garmin GPS Map 66i Manual for a detailed, thorough and easy to read guide book on its operation. Cost new $600. Priced to sell at $400.